A Random Picture

Here’s a picture taken with my new Palm Centro. It takes pretty decent pictures, especially considering my last phone lacked a camera entirely.

Skyline Drive Sunset

Skyline Drive Sunset

Anyway, it’s a typical Tuesday night. I finished up some web site mock ups and sent a link to “the client”. I have no idea what they’ll think.

I am ready to learn some more about WordPress. I have a lot of ideas how that could work for folks – like my cousin for starters. So much to do, so little time!

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Plugging Away

I’ve spent the last 20 minutes or so studying the WordPress Codex, but I’m starting to lose my ability to focus. I didn’t get going on my web design study early enough. I had to order bluetooth headsets for my wife and I, answer some email and touch base with a few people on Facebook. Consequently I was too tired to make very much headway on my whole web developer project.

Tomorrow I’m talking to a women I know from work many years ago who has her own business consulting with companies on their online strategy. That should be interesting. I have discovered that there are lots of pieces to getting people on the web beyond just designing a web site. If people have a product, or a message, or something to sell — there’s a lot you can do to get more traffic. I’m interested in those aspects of the business, too. And it could be an additional asset I could bring to the table with potential clients.

Anyway folks, I think that’s a wrap. See you on the other side.

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I’m feeling at a scattered with my web business plan. I have so many areas where I could be working, and I don’t know which one, or which ones to focus on. I have several web sites that I could be either creating, or improving. I have two major technology areas (WordPress and Javascript) that I really want to learn. I keep thinking about creating a cohesive online campaign to market Noelle’s book, and that howto book I saw recommended on Amazon.

I guess I will just have to do some prioritization around all these areas. I do have a strong instinct that I need to be spending close to half my time actually designing things, whether in actual html/css or using a drawing program, since this is in some way the master skill to which all the other skills must be subservient. That is to say, if my web sites look like crap, I will not be able to sustain business, even if I know a lot of fancy javascript and CMS stuff.

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