Aquadolls, Hoity Toity and Sluttony at the Catalyst, April 14, 2022

The Aquadolls, a rock band, performs at the Catalyst Atrium. The three performers have expressive outfits.

The Aquadolls at the Catalyst Atrium

Hey, 2nd show of 2022 “post” pandemic period. I arrived in time to see openers Sluttony perform what must have been most of their set, but they were at it when I got to the Catalyst Atrium. I liked them a lot. Not a lot of polish, but great rock and roll energy and a good sound. The singer was very charismatic and had a great RnR voice. She was tall with chin length hair in a nail-polish red color. The second song I watched them play was Add It Up (Violent Femmes cover), which was great. I had watched that on YouTube. Sluttony are maybe local, so perhaps I’ll see them play again?

Hoity Toity were up next. Another 4 piece band. From Southern California. Another very charismatic vocalist with a powerful voice. She played a few parts on the keyboard as well. I really liked this band, and they rocked very hard. Maybe it’s because I didn’t know any of the songs, but after about halfway through their set they started to sound the same kinda? Or it was that the energy level remained at the same pretty intense pace. There weren’t really nooks and crannies in the music that you could drift into, if that makes any sense. But I thoroughly enjoyed their set.

Next up were the Aquadolls, who took the stage while Dancing Queen by Abba blasted. And queens they were. Such a solid, charismatic performance by the Aquadolls. They did look fantastic. Melissa was kind of like an anime character, with some fancy thin braids in her blond hair and a striped dress. Keilah and Jackie were on the goth punk spectrum, and they both looked really hot! Jackie had slacks and a skin tight and kind of sheer top that kind of looked like all over body tattoos? Anyway, it was very cool. Jackie had side buns and John Waters level eyelashes (actually all the girls did). Keilah wore a kind of corset thing and she looked great.

Set List

  • Our love will always remain
  • Troubled Valentine
  • Guys Who Sk8
  • Cover from Freaky Friday
  • Wander
  • Cry Baby
  • Sick Sad Motherfuck
  • Communication is Sexy
  • [and a couple others I didn’t recognize, or forgot]

I liked how all three band members took a turn at stage banter and introducing songs. Jackie really rocked some vocals, both as backup and lead. I think the Freaky Friday song was where Jackie played bass and Keilah drums? They’ve been on tour for 6 weeks, and I think their musical chemistry is really strong. They seemed to really be having a great time, too. They can do sweet love songs, surfer bops and then slamming rockers. Melissa’s guitar playing was really on fire – intense but really musical. Anyway it was a totally satisfying set.

I left before Sitting on Stacy. I watched one or two videos and they were very cute, but the music was kinda forgettable in my opinion. So I don’t think they’ll be the next Strokes, but if they do I suppose I can retrospectively castigate myself for not staying around for their set.

Sluttony, a 5 piece rock band on stage at the Catalyst.

Sluttony at the Catalyst Atrium

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