
Welcome to Girlbandgeek’s blog! This started out as a random experiment in using WordPress. However, a couple of years ago I decided I wanted to manifest my love of rock music into some tangible expression. I challenged myself to write a review of every concert I see. This has been an awful lot of fun, and more difficult than I imagined.

captured on Logitech webcam

Writing about music in a way that doesn’t suck turns out to be pretty difficult, at least for me. But having to write about each concert I see forces me to pay attention in new ways, research the artists more fully, and relive the experience. I will probably never be as brilliant at music writing as the music critics I admire, but as I said it enhances my concert-going experience, and gives me an outlet for my literary aspirations.

When I am not watching or writing about bands, I work as a System Administrator for a large company. I live in the woods near Santa Cruz, CA with my wife, two children, and various pets. I enjoy playing the guitar, listening to hot girl bands, and spending time with my family. If you wish to get in touch with me, just visit the handy contact page.

Thanks for stopping by!